Everyone deserves a caring guide.

Meet Peggy

As a coach and mentor my empathy and compassion have been shaped by a wealth of life experiences. People come to me for warmth, support, and guidance as they wade through life challenges and decisions. Clients experience me as a partner with whom they can think out loud and discover new options and fresh perspectives.

Some of the experiences that have stretched and informed me:

  • living 29 years in intentional communities,

  • 25 years' training in deep listening in a residential feedback learning program,

  • managing a secondhand store,

  • growing up in a Christian Science home,

  • exploring familial holocaust history,

  • living with sibling mental illness,

  • accompanying my younger sister through cancer treatment,

  • acting as a communicator and transition manager for my dying father,

  • many years spent studying & applying positive life principles,

  • transforming myself from a shy, removed, sometimes harsh, oblivious being into the warm engaged person I had always dreamed of becoming.

Work with Peggy

Working with me begins with an exploratory conversation to see if we are a good match and to explore your wishes and objectives. In the following sessions, I'll guide you in shaping a path toward your goals and recommend practices to accelerate your movement. Periodically we'll check in to make sure the coaching is serving you and achieving the results you want.