Start Big or Small?
Many things go into a good tidying experience. When working with a client, I might ask what time of day works best for them for a particular activity. And as we work together, I might suggest we take a break for a snack, a sip of fresh air or even the change of scenery. Through little experiments like these, we learn what works for us.
Reduce Junk Mail? Yes, You Can!
I love weeding junk mail. Similar to gardening, it’s pretty clear what to eliminate. Removing weedy mail takes just a few steps. These easy decisions and simple actions reap pleasing rewards. This post offers you suggestions for how to reduce and weed out unwanted mail.
Decluttering: Where Do You Start
Where do you start when reorganizing a home or office? What should I keep? What should I get rid of? What goes where? What’s the best set up? Facing the piles, staring at clutter… it can feel overwhelming and paralyzing. In this post, I elaborate on concepts I've touched on in shorter posts and bring them together to give a complete picture of the process of decluttering and organizing.